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Junior-Senior High School Collects Over 900 Food Items in Annual “Food Fight”

Another successful “Food Fight” at Cato-Meridian Junior-Senior High School is in the books.

The “Food Fight” is Student Council’s annual food drive. Each year, students and staff are invited to drop off non-perishable food items into boxes labeled with staff members’ names. The staff member whose box is filled with the most items is then pie-d in the face, and the runner-up is the one to pie them. Students and staff chose Social Studies teacher Rosse Gallagher as this year's winner.

On Monday, December 12, cheers erupted from the bleachers of the gymnasium as Principal Jennifer Kelly invited Gallagher and Karen Sanderson in front of the entire school. Students counted down enthusiastically as Sanderson pie-d Gallagher in the face.

All items collected during the “Food Fight” were donated to local food banks.

Pie in the face

Pie in the face

Pie in the face

Students look on while seated on the bleachers