
  • Terry Ward

    Dr. Terry Ward
    Superintendent of Schools
    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 5001
    Fax: 315-626-2888


    Liz Kupiac
    Ms. Elizabeth Kupiec
    Assistant Superintendent
    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 5006
    Fax: 315-626-2888


    Danielle Mahoney
    Mrs. Danielle Mahoney
    Elementary School Principal
    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 1801
    Fax: 315-626-2293


     Jennifer Kelly
    Ms. Jennifer Kelly
    Junior-Senior High School Principal
    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 3801
    Fax: 315-626-2551


    Robert Wren
    Mr. Robert W. Wren
    Athletic Director and Student Services Coordinator
    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 3806
    Fax: 315-626-2551


    Tyler Baker
    Mr. Tyler Baker

    Director of Pupil Personnel Services
    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 3805
    Fax: 315-626-2093



    Tammy Cady

    Mrs. Tammy Cady
    Head Bus Driver
    Phone: 315-626-2124, Extension 6001
    Fax: 315-626-2551


    Jennifer Dorschel

    Mrs. Jennifer Dorschel
    Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 5007
    Fax: 315-626-2551


    Joseph Phillips

    Mr. Joseph Phillips
    Director of Facilities II
    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 1891
    Fax: 315-626-6336


    Lucas Smith

    Mr. Lucas Smith
    Director of Technology

    Phone: 315-626-3439, Extension 3871